Help on Formatting partially supports the Markdown syntax inside forum posts and comments. A strict subset of HTML tags and attributes is also allowed.


To add a code block simply indent your code with 4 spaces:

Here is some sample code: <?php function foo($what){ if($what) return $what; }

For inline code use backticks:

Here is a `<div>` tag

Links and URLs

Any words containing the http:// prefix are converted to bare URLs automatically. If you wish to add link titles you can use this syntax:

Go to [Google's homepage](

Another method, using references at the end of your post:

Go to [Google's homepage][google]. [google]:

Or directly HTML:

Go to <a href="">Google's homepage</a>


Similar to links, the only difference is that they have an exclamation mark in front:

A preview of my image: ![my image description](

Using references:

A preview of my image: ![my image description][my image] [my image]:

Or the image HTML tag:

A preview of my image: <img src="" />

Only include images if they are small enough to fit within your post (which is usually less than 400 pixels wide). Use links for larger images.

Emphasized text

To produce italicized or bold text wrap your text between asterisks:

This *italicized text* This **bold text** Both ***bold and italic text***

Underscores will do as well:

This _italicized text_ This __bold text__ Both ___bold and italic text___

The <strong> and <em> HTML tags also work:

Sample <em>italicized</em> and <strong>bold</strong> text


Prepend text with a hyphen, asterisk, plus sign or number to create lists:

Bulleted list: - First item - Second item - Child of second item - Another child - Third item Numbered list: 1. First item 2. Second item...

<ul>, <ol> and <li> HTML tags can be used as well, but do not combine them with the Markdown syntax:

Sample list using HTML tags: <ul> <li> First item </li> <li> Second item </li> </ul>


To quote a text add > in front of it:

Quoting Stephen Roberts: > I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god > than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible > gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.