WordPress Plugins

New plugin: Ad manager

Posted 12 years in | Comments (144)

It’s still under development, but the current version supports all functionality of the Ads mod from “Mystique” so you might as well use it instead of the mod

Download on WordPress.org
Support Forums (post bug reports / requests here)

A quick screenshot:

In case you’re wondering if you will [...]

New plugin: Post Ratings

Posted 12 years in | Comments (136)

Yet another post rating WordPress plugin
What does it do:

Allow your site users to rate posts (of any kind)
Display the average post rating, vote count or weighted (bayesian) rating within your posts
Display a widget with the top rated posts in your sidebar

A few screenshots:

Download on [...]

How to correctly hook your filter to the post content

Posted 12 years in | Comments (85)

I’m seeing a lot of plugins that just hook themselves on the the_content filter tag, without bothering to handle excerpts.
Because get_the_excerpt() / the_excerpt() will call get_the_content() if the post doesn’t have an excerpt set, in many cases you get your filter applied on excerpts as well. [...]