Blog posts tagged wordpress

New plugin: Ad manager

Posted 12 years in | Comments (144)

It’s still under development, but the current version supports all functionality of the Ads mod from “Mystique” so you might as well use it instead of the mod

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Support Forums (post bug reports / requests here)

A quick screenshot:

In case you’re wondering if you will [...]

New plugin: Post Ratings

Posted 12 years in | Comments (136)

Yet another post rating WordPress plugin
What does it do:

Allow your site users to rate posts (of any kind)
Display the average post rating, vote count or weighted (bayesian) rating within your posts
Display a widget with the top rated posts in your sidebar

A few screenshots:

Download on [...]

Featured images (thumbnails) in menus

Posted 12 years in | Comments (98)

The following code will let you use featured images as thumbnails in your custom menus. Paste this in your child theme functions.php file, or theme settings > Advanced > User-defined code:

atom()->setContextArgs(‘primary_menu’, array(‘walker’ => new ThumbMenuWalker()));

class ThumbMenuWalker [...]

Custom avatar images in WordPress

Posted 12 years in | Comments (83)

This is a short walktrough on how to let your website users upload their own avatars, without using a plugin.
First, define the maximum image sizes (note that we will only downsize, smaller images will get browser-resized):

define(‘MAX_AVATAR_WIDTH’, 96);
define(‘MAX_AVATAR_HEIGHT’, 96);

This [...]

How to correctly hook your filter to the post content

Posted 12 years in | Comments (85)

I’m seeing a lot of plugins that just hook themselves on the the_content filter tag, without bothering to handle excerpts.
Because get_the_excerpt() / the_excerpt() will call get_the_content() if the post doesn’t have an excerpt set, in many cases you get your filter applied on excerpts as well. [...]


Posted 13 years in | Comments (1042)

ATOM serves as the base framework for future WordPress themes I’ll be designing. Some features/Highlights of the core:

A very extensible code base
Context-aware layout selection
Extensive support for child themes (auto-creation, better template routing)
Advanced theme settings panel with live [...]

Translating a WordPress theme

Posted 14 years in | Comments (314)

This is a short tutorial on how to properly translate a Wordpress theme. Mystique is used as example here. I will choose PoEdit as the translation application, since it’s the easiest to use because of the simple user interface…

Mystique (old page)

Posted 14 years in | Comments are closed

This is the old page for the Mystique project. The new one is here.
Mystique is a free WordPress theme that attempts to top commercial templates in terms of design and functionality. Some of its features include 4 theme widgets, page templates for different layout styles and a advanced interface [...]

Arclite (old page)

Posted 15 years in | Comments are closed

This is the old page for the Arclite theme. The new page is here.
Another clean/light style theme. Some of its features include the ability to switch between the normal image-based design to a entirely CSS based one (without images), a few background/color variations, fluid layout, optional 3rd [...]


Posted 15 years in | Comments (112)

A dark WordPress theme with a rustic look, grunge style. Still under development
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