Methods → SetDefaultOptions
Registers the default theme options for the current theme. Not to be confused with the actual theme options stored in the database. Omitted options will be completely disabled from the dashboard interface.
Atom::app()->SetDefaultOptions( array( 'layout' => 'c2right', 'page_width' => 'fixed', 'page_width_max' => 1200, 'post_title' => true, 'post_date' => true, 'post_date_mode' => 'relative', 'post_category' => true, 'post_tags' => true, 'post_author' => true, 'post_comments' => true, 'post_content' => true, 'post_content_mode' => 'excerpt', 'post_thumbs' => true, 'post_thumbs_mode' => 'left', 'post_thumb_size' => '90x90', 'post_thumb_auto' => true, 'post_navi' => 'single', ) );
Last revision 13 years